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Viewer Selected Homes

Because there are far too many extant homes to display at one time, we have tailored this page so you can see the homes you are most interested in. This can be achieved by using the filtering tools below in the left column, to narrow down the results you see in the right column. Search terms based upon the following search criteria; state, city or town name, street name, owner surname, owner occupation, year of construction, and catalog design reference, can be entered into the search box on top. Or, you may select multiple check boxes below the search box, to limit the results to the specifics of your interest. And even with these filtering tools, some searches will yield more than the maximum of 100 homes, so if you find the results to be still too daunting, simply make your search more restrictive. Give it a try, but if you have difficulty, there is a help request form at the bottom of the page.

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An elegant Victorian graphic used as a content seperator.

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An elegant Victorian graphic used as a content seperator.